Time for a Shoot Out !!!

 The Lake of the Ozarks Shootout is the largest unsanctioned boat race in the US, named one of the nation’s eight “must-see” boating events according to Powerboat Magazine, the Shootout will take place for the ninth year at Captain Ron’s Bar & Grill in Sunrise Beach (Lake Road 5-50, mile marker 34.5). 

The event raises funds for eight Lake-area rescue teams and numerous other charitable organizations; last year, $357,000.00 to 32 different Charities and 8 Fire Departments. The Lake of the Ozarks Shootout is alive and well and looking forward to the 32nd year in August of 2020.  The event is August 28 Thur 29th.

The Lake Rescue Shootout started in 1988 as an event in which many local boats participated simply to establish who had the fastest boat. As the years went by it became a bigger and bigger event that also helped supplement the Lake Area Fire Departments water rescue efforts.

To keep this a safe and fun fill week end here are some suggestions:

1. Need to leave early to get a good spot, if you are coming to the shootout by water: please note these is a no-wake zone that runs from the 21-mile marker to the 36-mile marker from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Saturday.

On Sunday the no wake zone from the 21- mile marker to the 36 mile marker will be from  9:00 am to 3;30 pm.  

The Missouri State Highway Patrol Water Patrol Division along with the United States Coast Guard will be monitoring the no wake zones.

The Lake of the Ozark Shootout’s goal has always been to continue to have one of the safest events on the water and to protect not only the participants and spectators but also the local residents. Please help us in accomplishing this goal.

2. Get a designated captain if you plan to drink, not worth the risk for a Boating Under the Influence.

3. Please obey the anchor line, there will be patrol boat helping you to anchor along the race course.  Please stay out of the  race course.  if you have to leave there are navigation lane that are idle only to leave the race area.  if you have question contact a patrol boat volunteer.

4. It will be hot, drink plenty of water, enjoy the adult beverages, don't forget the Have at least one 16-ounce glass of water with every 12-ounce beer or 4 to 6 ounces of liquor, for example. Water can replenish your fluids and help you stay hydrated. Stick with light-colored drinks.

5. A swim is refreshing.  Watch out for other boats when in the water, also please wear a life jacket, we want you to be around for the race and comeback next year.

6. If you have a break down, engine failure Etc. Call your local Towboat US. (573) 216-4701 or if it an emergency call *55 for the dispatch of the Missouri State Highway Patrol Water Patrol Division.

Be safe, boat safe and have a great time.


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