Boating Accidents and Injuries Are Preventable


Did you know the majority of drownings happen in open water. such rivers, lakes and ponds?

 Nearly 650 people die each year during recreational boating activities.

·     79% of boating deaths due to drowning

·     86% of the victims not wearing a life jacket

·     2/3 of drownings victims are good swimmers.

·     70% of Deaths occurred on boats where the operator had no boating safety instructions / lessons.

·     23 % of Deaths where the primary cause was alcohol was the

·     leading factor.

·     171 accidents with at least one person struck by a propeller.

·     35 lives were lost due to propeller strikes.`

·     1 in 3 of all boating injuries occurred in boat operators over the age of 35


Boaters are encouraged to “Get Connected” and use their engine cut-off device, more commonly referred to as a “kill switch,” every time they go boating. An engine cut-off device is a proven safety device used to stop the boat’s engine should the operator unexpectedly fall overboard.

 In 2019 Missouri had 475 boating related accidents and injuries.

in 2020 Missouri had 524 boating related accidents and injuries.

So what can be done to lessen the number of accidents and injuries?

Wear a life jacket.

if possible install a  propeller guard or at least before any one enters the water. allow enough time 10 to 15 seconds for the prop to stop turning.  do not start the engine until everyone is back in the boat to avoid propeller strikes. 

Be an aware boat operator, have a designated lookout.

Us an engine cut-off device.

Learn First Aid and CPR.

 With the boating season starting do not be forever-changed by families and friends by a boating or water tragedy. 

By educating all who enjoy the water, we can save lives and prevent our story from becoming your story.


From the Waves of Hope/National Safe Boating Council


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