What Does A Drowning Look Like?

 Illinois man drowns while swimming

Lake Sun
Another drowning has occurred on Lake of the Ozarks, claiming the life of a Waterloo, Ill. resident.
According to the Missouri State Water Patrol report, Sean Jouglard, 21 was swimming near the 20-mile mark of the main channel around 6:10 p.m. on Aug. 8. The report states he exited the 2008 Monterey Open Bow Boat to go swimming and did not resurface. He was not wearing a life jacket.

In the U.S. drowning takes an average of 3,500-4,000 lives per year. That is an average of 10 fatal drownings per day.

Drowning is the leading cause of unintentional injury related death for children ages 1-4. Drowning remains in the top 5 causes of unintentional injury related death from birth to 54 years old.

In addition to fatal drownings, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated that in 2016 an additional 9,000+ victims were seen at U.S. Emergency Departments for a non-fatal submersion injury.

23% of child drownings happen during a family gathering near a pool.

Lack of barriers around water contribute to a majority of drowning deaths.

Learning to swim can reduce the risk of drowning by 88% for 1-4 year olds who take formal swim lessons.

No one is drown-proof and drowning doesn’t discriminate.

Drug and alcohol use can be large contributing variables to drowning risk.

Drowning is the cause of death for most boating fatalities.

It is estimated that for every fatal drowning victim, another 5 to 10 victims receives hospital related care for non-fatal drowning injuries.

Drowning is fast and silent. It can happen in as little as 20-60 seconds. Drowning doesn’t always look like we would expect

Tragedy that can be avoided. 86% of drownings are because of people not wearing a lifejacket.
The lakes and rivers are not swimming pools. There are underwater obstacles, currents as well as boat traffic. That create hazards that will increase the chances of injury, and worse death.
Wear a lifejacket so no-one will morn.


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