Water Safety Is Every Day


Making the Lake of the Ozarks Safe For Our Visitors

That is what the Lake of the Ozarks Water Safety Council is all about. Through Promoting water and boating safety and education. 

The Lake of the Ozarks Water Safety Council (WSC) is a group of businesses, organization, and private citizens that are dedicated to promoting water safety here at Lake of the Ozarks.  The Lake of the Ozarks Water Safety Council was formed in 2007.  WSC is a non for profit 501c3 public service organization that

  • Promote boating and water safety at the Lake Of The Ozarks.
  • Serve as a local (or regional) source for boating and water safety information for the general public.
  • Encourage cooperation, networking, and communication between the member agencies of the council as well as other organizations.
  • Promote wearing life jackets and designating sober captains while recreating on the Lake of the Ozarks.

Our mission is simple: We want to keep our Lake safe. We want everyone to wear life jackets, designate a captain, and come and enjoy the Lake and all it has to offer in the safest manner possible. The safety on our Lake is imperative to our residents and to our visitors. We want our visitors to be able to share their happy, positive experiences from their time at Lake of the Ozarks, go back home, and encourage others to do the same. And in turn, this benefits our residents and businesses through the vital economic impact that is generated through tourism.



Coming soon WSC is please to announce the installation of Five (5) Life Jacket Loaner Stations. 

The first of these by Memorial Day will be located at Public Beach 1 and Public Beach 2.    The life jacket loaner program provides the public with free use of life jackets on a first come, first served basis.

Research shows that most drowning could have been prevented if a life jacket had been worn by the victim. The goals for this program are to increase life jacket wear during water-based activities as well as to educate the visiting public on the importance of proper use and fit. 


Life jacket loaner stations have been successfully used since the mid-1980s by various organizations as a tool in reducing public recreation-related fatalities on their waters. Most of these stations offer various sizes of life jackets from infant to adult in limited quantities. Demand for use of the life jackets has generally exceeded the available supply. Many of the loaner stations in existence have cooperatively been installed and maintained by local partners, such as Safe Kids Coalition, Boy or Girl Scout organizations, or local water safety councils.


How can you help????  Look for this donation jar at lake area businesses.  Please give to save a life and promote boating & water safety.


National Water Safety Month in May prepares us for recreational activities. 

Water is an attraction during the summer months. Whether we’re drawn to lakes and rivers or public pools and water slides, safety is a necessary concern. We use the water for leisure, sport, and general outdoor relaxation. Boating with or without motors, swimming, fishing and many other kinds of recreation take place in and around the water.

 To kick off Water Safety Month watch for these events:

May 4th    Missouri legislature will be modeling the lates is fashionable Life Jackets

2015 photo

May 20th Wear Your Life Jacket to Work Day


Wear Your Life Jacket at Work Day is May 20, 2022. Wear your life jacket, snap a picture while at work, and share on social media.  this annual event is a fun, educational way to heighten life jacket awareness.  Prizes will be awarded for:

  1. Best Group photo
  2. Best Pet photo
  3. Best Individual photo

Email your photos to info@lozwatersafetycouncil.com


 May 21st   Water Safety Seminar


Margaritaville Lake Resort Lake of the Ozarks –
(Previously known as Tan-Tar-A Resort)
Address: 494 Tan Tar A Drive, Osage Beach, MO 65065
Phone: 573-348-3131

MEETING Date:  Saturday, May 21, 2022

MEETING Time: 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM

Meet and Greet 8 AM – Program Starts at 8:30 AM

9:00 – Proclamation presented by Governor Michael L. Parson and reprehensive Dr, Lisa Thomas

9:45- Guest speaker Hunter Bland, Hunter will share how his boating accident resulted in a full-time career in the fishing industry. Join him for tips and tricks on how we can effectively market to our target demographics in order to reduce water related tragedies. 



10:00 - 2:00 pm Breakout sessions:

            Life Jackets The who, what, when, where type and how to maintain use a life jacket

            Boating Education – boating hazards, navigation rules, important items to have on     board, and much more.  

            Injury prevention and electric safety – first aid, electrical dock safety, prop injury,        fishing related injuries dangers of Alcohol while boating, drowning prevention

            Wake damage, speed on the water – what to do, how to minimize, who to report to

            Talk directly to Missouri Water Patrol and the USCG.


Visit with lake area vendors on your boating and water safety needs.


This is a free event space is limited    go to https://mswinteractive.wufoo.com/forms/z12eh3h0mov605/  to register


Margaritaville Resort Lake of the Ozarks will also be providing special room rates for those who need overnight lodging.  Please contact the phone number above to make your arrangements and reference the Waste Safety Seminar for the special rate.


How can you be part of the Water Safety Council? 


If you would like to attend a meeting, please call
KC Cloke   Water Safety Council President – 573-346-2227
Bob May Water Safety Co-Chair – 660-492-2720
Doug Beck Marketing Director – 573-216-8141


Camdenton Chamber of Commerce

739 US-54, Camdenton, MO 65020

MEETING Date:  3rd Tuesday of the month

MEETING Time:  11:00 AM to 12:00PM

Meeting are open to all public interested in Education and Water Safety.

If you do not have a water safety council in your area.   Contact us we are willing to help  !  You can safe a life



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