Ready Or Not For Boating Season??


Believe it or not 69 days or Monday, 20th March 2023, Spring will be here.   That means to get ready for another season of water activities.  You may be ready but is your boat, jet Ski, and other water activities related Items ready?

If you are like many people, you winterize the boat or jet ski, put away the life jackets and water toys after the summer season has ended, and look forward to the spring hoping into the boat or jet ski and starting it up and away we go, right!..... maybe not.

Before your boat hits the water though, ensure your boat Jet Ski is ready. Preparing for spring ensures proper performance and safety. These tips for preparing for spring will give you peace of mind and get you on the water in no time.


1.      Check that the boat registration is current and onboard. You need to have this available if a Department of Natural Resources (DNR) officer asks to see it.

2.      Invest in boat towing insurance. You’ll be glad you did if an emergency arises.

3.      Clean the boat hull check the bottom paint, check for stress cracks in the hull and transom. If you have a tri-toon or pontoon, check the toons if possible pressure test them for cracks or pin holes.

4.      Inspect your watercrafts electrical system.

    • Check the boat’s battery. Recharge as needed.
    • Inspect battery terminals for corrosion. If battery terminals appear corroded, clean as needed.
    • Check the water level of the boat’s battery. If the water level is low, add distilled water to maintain battery’s performance. Tap water will diminish performance.
    • Check that the boats bonding system is functioning. The bonding system is used to connect a boat’s underwater metals such as through-hull fittings and rudders.
    • Inspect all wiring for wear and fraying. All wires should be intact and secure.
    • Test all gauges for proper function.
    • Add spare fuses to the boat’s storage compartment in case a fuse burns out. Test all lighting fixtures and replace burned-out bulbs. Store spare bulbs on your boat.  Including the Navigation lights
    • Check functionality of all other electronics on the boat such as fish finders and radios.

5.      Check below deck if you have an inboard or an I/O do the following.


·         Bilge pumps should be inspected for proper automatic and manual operation.  Inspect the bilges to make sure no oil leaked in during the offseason.

·         Check the impeller to make sure fluid is being transferred evenly through the engine.

·         Change your oil and gas filters. Check all belts hoses for cracks and wear.

·         Make sure your bilge blower is operational and venting.


6.       If you have an Outboard motor


·         Check that spark plugs hold a spark. Replace spark plugs if necessary.

·         Inspect, change, and fill gear lube if necessary.

·         Check your fuel lines, primer bulb, and fuel tank for leaks.

·         Lubricate and spray moveable parts to protect from wear and damage.

·         Inspect the propeller for damage or warping. Fix if necessary.

  1. Carry enough life jackets and personal flotation devices for passengers. Make sure every passenger has access to an appropriate life jacket. Inspect each life jack for damage, replace with new life jackets, if using inflatable life jackets replace co2 cylinders and check for leaks. 
  2. Make sure you have a throwable devise for man overboard situations.

9.      Check that the fire extinguishers are up to date and recharge if necessary.


10.  Check that first aid supplies are up to date and replace them if they are expired or if supplies are running short.


11.   Check all mooring lines and anchor lines and chain for wear and tear.


Preparing your boat for spring may be painstaking but having peace of mind while you’re on the water all season lets you enjoy the summer.  Be safe to come back to your favorite water way with your family and friends.


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